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10th International Congress on Medieval pottery in the Mediterranean


X CICM2 | Silves

Monday, 22nd October 2012

9:00 h. Reception of participants

10:00 h. Opening Session

11:00 h. Coffee break

Session: Pottery within its context

11:20 h. Grupo de trabalho CIGA (S. Gómez, I.C. Fernandes, M.J. Gonçalves, I. Inácio, C. dos Santos, J. Bugalhão, H. Catarino, S. Cavaco, C. Coelho, J. Covaneiro – A cidade e o seu território no Gharb al-Ândalus através da cerâmica

12:00 h. Roland-Pierre Gayraud, Jean-Christophe TREGLIA – La céramique d’une maison omeyyade de Fustat Istabl ‘Antar. Vaisselles de table, céramiques communes et culinaire, jarres de stockage et amphores de la pièce 5 (fin VIIe s.-milieu du VIIIe s.)

12:20 h. Sonia Gutiérrez Lloret, Víctor Cañavate Castejón – Cerámica, espacio domésticos y vida social: el temprano al-Andalus en el sudeste peninsular

12:40 h. Discussion

13:00 h. Lunch break

14:20 h. Lauro Olmo Enciso, Manuel Castro Priego, Amaya Gómez de la Torre-Verdejo – La cerámica de época visigoda (ss. VI-VIII d. C) y su contextualización urbana y rural en el centro de la Península Ibérica

14:40 h. José Avelino Gutiérrez González, José Luis Hernándo Garrido, Hortensia Larrén Izquierdo, Fernando Miguel Hernández, Juan Zozaya Stabel-Hansen – La cerámica andalusí en la iconografía cristiana del Valle del Duero (ss. VIII-XII)

15:00 h. Vanessa Filipe – A cerâmica islâmica do Museu Municipal de Évora

15:20 h. Marcella Giorgio – Ceramics and Society in Pisa in the Middle Ages

15:40 h. Chokri Touhiri - Réflexions sur la céramique « Aghlabide » : production et datation

16:00 h. Discussion

16:20 h. Coffee break

16:40 h. Poster session

17:00 h. Mário Varela Gomes e Rosa Varela Gomes – A cerâmica e o sagrado, no ribāt da Arrifana (Aljezur, Portugal) (séc. XII)

17:20 h. F. Carrera, B. Fatighenti, C. Toscani – Le ceramiche e le attività produttive. Recenti acquisizioni da un quartiere artigianale di Chinzica (PI)

17:40 h. Vesna Bikic – Morava and Braničevo in the 11th-12th century: Context, Character and Typology of Pottery from Danubian Fortresses

18:00 h. Valentina Vezzoli – Baalbeck during the Islamic Period: the Ceramic assemblage from the area of Bustan Nassif

18:20 h. Elena Salinas Pleguezuelo – Uso y consumo de la cerámica almohade en Córdoba

18:40 h. Discussion

Tuesday, 23th October 2012

9:00 h. Marcello Rotili – Aspetti della produzione in Campania nel basso medioevo

9:20 h. Fernando Villada Paredes, José Manuel Hita Ruiz – Cerámicas en contextos domésticos urbanos del occidente islámico: Pasaje Fernández (Ceuta, España), un caso de estudio

9:40 h. A. Molinari, V. Beolchini, I. De Luca, al. – Stili di vita, produzioni e scambi: la città di Roma a confronto con altri siti del Lazio. Secoli IX-XV

10:00 h. Silvina Silvério, Elisabete Barradas – A cerâmica medieval e tardo-medieval na Beira interior. Materiais provenientes dos castelos de Castelo Novo e Penamacor (sécs. XII – XVI)

10:20 h. Isabel Maria Fernandes – A cerâmica e seu uso em Portugal, a partir de posturas, taxas e regimentos de oleiros (séc. XII a XVIII)

10:40 h. Margherita Ferri, Cecilia Moine, Lara Sabbionesi – The sound of silence. Scratched marks on Late Medieval and Early Modern pottery from nunneries: praxis and significance

11:00 h. Discussion

11:20 h. Coffee break

11:30 h. Visit the Castle and the Museum of Archaeology of Silves

12:20 h. Opening Exhibition: “Signs of Daily Life”

13:00 h. Lunch break

14:20 h. L. Vallauri, H. Amouric – La vie de château d’un vaisselier : Roquevaire près de Marseille, 1593.

14:40 h. Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu – La variété de production dans la production de Kutahya (Turquie) au 18ème siècle.

15:00 h. Alexandra Gaspar, Ana Gomes – Recipientes de medidas da cidade de Lisboa

15:20 h. Helga Zglav-Martinac – Trace della vita quotidiana della città di Spalato tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna nascoste tra i rifiuti. Lo scavo della fossa del butto nel Corridoio 5 nei Soterranei del Palazzo di Diocleziano a Spalato. (2009)

15:40 h. V. François, A. Ersoy – Fragments d'histoire : la vaisselle de terre dans une maison de Smyrne au XVIIIe siècle

16:00 h. Discussion

16:20 h. Coffee break

16:40 h. Poster session

Session: Pottery and food

17:20 h. Joanita Vroom – The archaeology of consumption in the Byzantine World: A ceramic perspective

17:40 h. F. Cantini, S. Buonincontri, B. Fatighenti – Ceramica e alimentazione nel Medio Valdarno medievale: il caso di San Genesio (San Miniato-Pi)

18:00 h. Jaquelina Covaneiro, Sandra Cavaco – Entre tachos e panelas. A evolução das formas de cozinha ao longo do tempo (Tavira)

18:20 h. E. J. Stern – Crusader and Mamluk Consumption of Food and Drink in the Medieval Levant: a Comparative Study of Ceramic Dining Vessels

18:40 h. Discussion

Wednesday, 24th October 2012

9:00 h. Departure to Mértola

10:30 h. Visit to Mosque-Parish Church, Castle and Museums of Mértola

13:00 h. Lunch break

14:20 h. Reception by the authorities of Mértola


Session: The Mediterranean and the Atlantic

14:20 h. P. Armstrong – Ceramics imports into the British Isles from the east Mediterranean, AD 400-800: chronology, provenance, history

14:40 h. António Manuel S. P. Silva, Filipe Pinto, Laura Sousa, Pedro Pereira – Conjuntos cerâmicos do Castelo de Crestuna (Vila Nova de Gaia, N. Portugal). Primeiros elementos para uma sequência longa (sécs. IV-XI)

15:00 h. M. Roslund, S.Y. Waksman – Diffusion of Byzantine and Islamic ceramics into Scandinavia: laboratory investigations of samples from Sigtuna, Sweden

15:20 h. G. Rosselló Bordoy – La vía comercial Venecia-Flandes: las etapas de Mallorca y Málaga (siglos XIV Y XV)

15:40 h. Hugo Blake – Archaeometrical research on ‘Mediterranean Maiolica’ and Italian pottery found in Britain

16:00 h. Discussion

16:20 h. Coffee break

16:40 h. Jorge de Juan Ares, Yasmina Cáceres Gutiérrez, María del Cristo González Marrero, Miguel Ángel Hervás Herrera, Jorge Onrubia Pintado – Un espacio y tiempo de frontera: el material cerámico de Fûm Assaka en Sbouya, provincia de Sidi Ifni, Marruecos (ss. XV-XVI)

17:00 h. Marta Caroscio – Ceuta between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic: pottery along different routes

17:20 h. H. Amouric, G. Guionova, L. Vallauri – Céramiques aux îles d’Amérique: la part de la Méditerranée (XVII-XIX)

17:40 h. Discussion

18:00 h. General Assembly of the AIECM2

Thursday, 25th October 2012

Session: The Development and transfer of techniques

9:00 h. Joan Negre Pérez, Ramón Járrega Domínguez – Producciones cerámicas en el distrito de ṬurṬūša entre la antigüedad tardía y el mundo islámico (siglos V-XII)

9:20 h. Antonio Malpica Cuello, Esteban Fernández Navarro, Miguel Jiménez Puertas – La cerámica de Madinat Ilbira. Consideraciones tecnológicas

9:40 h. Konstantinos T. Raptis – Brick and tile producing workshops in the outskirts of Thessaloniki from 5th till 15th century: a diachronic study of the firing technology that has been continuously applied in the ceramic workshops of a large byzantine urban center

10:00 h. Lídia Fernandes, João Coroado, Marco Calado, Chiara Costantino – Ocupação medieval islâmica no Teatro Romano de Lisboa. O caso do aproveitamento do postcaenium no decurso do século XII

10:20 h. Roland-Pierre Gayraud – Quelques témoins de l'activité de potiers sur le plateau d'Istabl `Antar (Fustat) au XIIe siècle

10:40 h. Discussion

11:00 h. Coffee break

11:20 h. I. Shaddoud – Production de poterie chez les Nizarîtes de Syrie : l'atelier de Massyaf (milieu XIIe-premier tiers du XIVe siècle)

11:40 h. Ricardo Triães, Laurent Caron, João Coroado, Fernando Rocha – Caracterização composicional e tipológica das cerâmicas islâmicas da Alcáçova de Santarém (Portugal)

12:00 h. Mª Carmen Iñiguez Sánchez – Málaga: un centro productor de cerámica en época nazarí.

12:20 h. R. A. Wade Haddon – What was cooking in Aleppo in the thirteenth century?

12:40 h. Discussion

13:00 h. Lunch break

14:20 h. Guergana Guionova, David Ollivier, Jean-Christophe Tréglia, Marinella Valente, Jacques Thiriot – Le four d’un atelier de potier médiéval dans la montagne varoise

14:40 h. Nursen Ozkul Findik – Hasankeyf ceramic ateliers and productions

15:00 h. Sergio Escribano, José Luis Solaun – La introducción de la cerámica vidriada en el Cantábrico Oriental (siglos XII-XV)

15:20 h. J. Coll Conesa, J.Pérez Camps, M. Caroscio, J. Molera, T. Pradell, G. Molina. – Arqueología, arqueometría y cadenas operativas de la cerámica de Manises localizada en el solar Fábricas nº 1 (Barri d’Obradors, Manises, campaña 2011)

15:40 h. David Ollivier, Véronique Rinalducci, Jacques Thiriot – Fouiller les encyclopédistes : les Antilles françaises

16:00 h. Discussion

16:20 h. Coffee break

Session: Pottery and Commerce

16:40 h. Yasemin Bağcı, Vroom – Local and Imported Ceramics from the Early Medieval Era:Examples from the Gözlükule Excavations in Tarsus (Southern Turkey)

17:00 h. CIGA (I.C. Fernandes, C. Délèry, S. Cavaco, J. Bugalhão H. Catarino, C. Coelho, J. Covaneiro, S. Gómez, M.J. Gonçalves, I. Inácio, C. dos Santos) – O comércio da Corda Seca (Total e Parcial) no Gharb al-Ândalus

17:20 h. Claudio Filippo Mangiaracina – Pottery as a socio-economic indicator in Sicily (9th - mid 13th century)

17:40 h. Evelina Todorova – Trade and communications In the Northern Periphery of the Eastern Mediterranean: the Amphora Evidence from the Present Bulgarian Lands (7th – 14th Centuries AD)

18:00 h. Iana Morozova, Mariia Tymoshenko, Sergii Zelenko – Shipping and distribution of “glazed green and brown painted ware” in the Black Sea. Novy Svet shipwreck case study

18:20 h. Clara – Ilham Álvarez Dopico – Aux confins de l’Empire. L’exportation de carreaux de Tekfur Sarayı vers les provinces nord-africaines

18:40 h. Discussion

Friday, 26th October 2012

9:00 h. Olatz Villanueva Zubizarreta, Blas Cabrera González, Jorge Díaz De La Torre, Javier Jiménez Gadea – La loza dorada en la corte de Arévalo (Ávila)

9:20 h. Guergana Guionova – Céramique d’importation du XIVe au XVIIe s. en Bulgarie

9:40 h. Julia Beltrán, Núria Miró i Alaix – La cerámica oriental, Siria/Egipto y del Norte de África, Túnez, en Barcelona

10:00 h. Inés Mª Centeno Cea, Ángel L. Palomino Lázaro, Manuel Moratinos García, Mª J. Negredo García, J.E. Santamaría González – Conjuntos cerámicos bajomedievales en el tránsito a la Edad Moderna en contextos señoriales de Castilla y León.

10:20 h. Bing Zhao – Chinese porcelain coffee drinking bowls in the Islamic world (16th - 19th centuries)

10:40 h. Discussion

11:00 h. Coffee break

Session: New discoveries

11:20 h. Ricardo Costeira da Silva – A cerâmica alto-medieval proveniente da área do antigo fórum de Aeminium (Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro, Coimbra) – perspectivas de estudo.

11:40 h. Ahmed Ettahiri, Abdallah Fili, Kaoutar El Baljani, Ihssane Serrat – La céramique de la grande mosquée Karawiyyin à Fès

12:00 h. Sophie Gilotte, Yasmina Cáceres Gutiérrez, Jorge de Juan Ares – Aportaciones al conocimiento de la cerámica almoravide en el valle del Tajo: Albalat, Cáceres

12:20 h. Abdallah Fili, Claire Déléry, Ahmed Ettahiri, Jean-Pierre Van Staëvel – La céramique des origines du mouvement almohade à Igîlîz des Hargha, le lieu de naissance et du refuge du Mahdi ibn Tûmart

12:40 h. Discussion

13:00 h. Lunch break

14:20 h. Poster session

14:40 h. Jullien, al – La céramique mérinide de Kouass (Asilah-Briech, Maroc)

15:00 h. Marco Liberato – A pintura a branco na Santarém medieval. Séculos XI a XVI

15:20 h. Elvana Metalla – La céramique médiévale en Albanie : relations entre les productions byzantines et italiennes

15:40 h. Discussion

16:00 h. Coffee break

16:20 h. Poster session

16 :40 h. André Teixeira, Azzeddine Karra et Patrícia Carvalho – La céramique médiévale d’Azemmour (Maroc): données préliminaires sur des vestiges de production potière

17:00 h. E.F. Findik – Medieval Glazed Ceramics from Myra and New results

17:20 h. Julie Monchamp – Exemples de céramiques d’époques ayyoubide et mamluke mises au jour sur le site de la muraille ayyoubide du Caire (fin XIIe-XIVe s.)

17:40 h. S. Bocharov, A.N. Maslowskiy, A.G. Sitdikov – The White Clay Pottery in the Western Regions of Gold Horde.

18:00 h. Élvio Duarte Martins Sousa, Fernando Castro – Novos dados crono-tipológicos e químicos de formas de Pão-de-Açúcar produzidas em Portugal: séculos XV a XVII

18:20 h. Discussion

18:40 h. Closing session

Saturday, 27th October 2012

Visit to Algarve archaeological sites


Presentation of the IX CICM2 Proceedings
Drawing of archaeological ceramics
Sale of books on archeology
Exhibition "Signs of Daily Life"
Visits and excursions

Program (in PDF)

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