GÓMEZ MARTÍNEZ, Susana (coord.) - Os signos do quotidiano: gestos, marcas e símbolos no Al-Ândalus. Mértola: Campo Arqueológico, 2011. 87 p. ISBN 978-972-9375-34-7
This book is the result of an exhibition under the same title, namely "The Signs of Everyday Life: Gestures, Marks and Symbols in the al-Ândalus", now in the form of a catalogue. It is organised around three axes: symbols (pictures that represent abstract ideas), gestures (aspects of the objects that illustrate habits and experiences of the people who used them) and marks (signs left on objects by their use). This publication presents examples of objects found in excavations of the Islamic period in the West of the Iberian Peninsula, the Gharb al-Ândalus, aiming to clarify some of its less obvious meanings.