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Ex libris, a book among books

Every month the CAM Library highlights a work from its Special Collection, to promote and divulge this collection with unique features, such as its novelty and cultural heritage value.

Livro de falcoaria de Pero Menino

MENINO, Pero - Livro de falcoaria de Pero Menino. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1931. LXVII, 91 p., [3] f. est.

14th century treaty written under the command of King Ferdinand I of Portugal by his royal falconer Pero Menino to guide the huntsmen of their time. This work describes the falcons’ diseases, their symptoms and the curatives that the huntsmen should apply, as well as how to perform small surgeries, how to sew open wounds and apply patches and bandages to heal broken wings and legs.
The critical edition of the text was set by Rodrigues Lapa, including a short introductory study of aspects of language history and textual criticism of the manuscripts.

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O som de Martin Codax: sobre a dimensão musical da lírica galego-portuguesa (séc

FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro - O som de Martin Codax: sobre a dimensão musical da lírica galego-portuguesa (séculos XII-XIV) = The sound of Martin Codax: on the musical dimension of the galician-portuguese lyric (XII-XIV centuries). Lisboa: Unisys: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1986. XIX, 221, [3] p., [5] f. fac-sim.

This work analyses the musical and rhythmic aspects of Martín Codax’s lyric poetry, a 13th century Galician troubadour. The analysis is centred mainly in the so called “Vindel parchment” a source published for the first time in facsimile in the early 20th century, notable for preserving the sheet music of six of the seven songs by the Galician troubadour, and for providing a latter textual version of the songs than the one copied in the 16th century in the songbooks of the Vatican Library and of the Portuguese National Library. The present study also approaches the various references to musical aspects in the “Art of the troubadours”, a Galician-Portuguese treaty on poetics, enabling the author to establish a link between musical and poetic accents. This study is accompanied by a record (33 1/3 rpm) with interpretations of the above mentioned six songs by Martín Codax, including the famous “Ondas do mare de Vigo” (“Waves of the sea of Vigo”)

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