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Registration Techniques in Archaeology

Registration Techniques in Archaeology

During the 1st half of 2012, Mértola’s Archaeology Site will hold 4 short courses on Registration Techniques in Archaeology. These courses are integrated in the educational plan of this institution, aiming to build and diversify knowledge intrinsic to the fields of Archaeology and Heritage studies. These courses are mainly directed to Archaeology students and professionals in the areas of Archaeology and Heritage studies who intend to further knowledge in neglected areas of their vocational or academic training. According to subject, the courses may have a duration of 1 to 3 days, with a 7 hour daily schedule with theoretical and practical sessions, according to the plan of each course.


Enrolment form

Drawing of archaeological materials – by Guida Casella – 30 and 31 March 2012


Course plan (PDF)

Illustrating for heritage interpretation and promotion – by Guida Casella – 20 and 21 April 2012


Available soon.

Basic photography in Archaeology: structures and pieces – by Rossana Torres – 18 and 19 May 2012

Course plan (PDF)

Geographic information systems – data and methods – by André Mano -  7, 8 e 9 June 2012

Course plan (PDF)

Enrolment fee: 25€
Organisation: Mértola’s Archaeological Site
Support: FCT- Foundation for Science and Technology
Co-Financing: INALENTEJO
Payment: By cheque payable to Campo Arqueológico de Mértola or by bank transfer (Caixa Geral de Depósitos NIB 0035 0459 0000 5842 030 95 – Please indicate the name of the desired course and send proof of payment).

By e-mail: formacao@camertola.pt
By mail: Campo Arqueológico de Mértola – Centro de Estudos Islâmicos e do Mediterrâneo
Rua Dr. António José de Almeida 1-3
7750-353 Mértola