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Presentation of “Acervos patrimoniais: novas perspetivas e abordagens” and “Arqueologia Medieval 12”

Presentation of “Acervos patrimoniais: novas perspetivas e abordagens” and “Arqueologia Medieval 12”

In the next month of December the latest publications of Mértola’s Archaeological Field (CAM) will be presented: the proceedings of the meeting “Acervos patrimoniais: novas perspetivas e abordagens” (“Heritage library collections: new perspectives and approaches”) and the journal “Arqueologia Medieval” no. 12 (“Medieval Archaeology”).

The presentation of the proceedings of the scientific meeting will be held on 6th December, 6 PM, at the auditorium of the National Library of Portugal, by its director, Maria Inês Cordeiro. The journal Medieval Archaeology no. 12 will be presented on 7th December, 6 PM, at the National Museum of Archaeology by its director António Carvalho.

We count on your presence at these events!